Memberships are available in the club. During the year we host many activities for our members such as visits to other club and private layouts, field trips to area prototype railroads and group transportation to regional hobby shows. We have access to an extensive lending library, and can receive discounts on railroading items at local hobby stores.

Why Become a Member?
Build camaraderie and friendship among model railroaders
Share experiences and learn about all aspects of the hobby
Receive e-mail notification of model railroad events and information, as well as club activities
Assist members in the design and construction of model layouts
Have access to a lending library of railroading books, magazines, videos and other materials
Participate in workshops and seminars on various modeling and construction techniques
Receive discounts on railroad-related items at local hobby stores including Snow's and Centerline Hobbies
Enjoy group transportation to some major model railroad events
Help promote public interest in model and prototype railroading
Want to Join? Dues for 2024:
Regular membership, $80 - Receive club correspondence, participate in activities/events; right to vote, hold office, operate layouts (after instruction period). Must be at least 18 years of age.
Supporting membership, $25 - Receive club correspondence, participate in activities/events only.
Please complete our Membership Application (PDF) and drop it in the mail with your check made payable to NMRC. We will get in touch with you once we receive the Application.